I Remember - TW

 I remember as if it was yesterday 

Driving out of a small town

Down dark roads

No cell reception 

I remember feeling frightened 



Like I just dreamt what happened

Tears running down my face I made a call

“I think I was raped” I cried

Feeling stunned

Those words just left my mouth

I spoke in detail of the night

I was hoping it was a no

The voice on the other end

“Yes, that is rape” 

I no longer could hear

Driving 80 mph down a dark highway 

Figuring out how to get home

Barely any cell cover

Till the next two towns over

I drove as fast as I could

Telling my story

My face stained

Barely able to focus

I hung up and called a friend

“Can I come over”

I drove there as quickly as I could

She looked at me

She knew

I hugged her and then collapsed

I sat on the sharp gravel 

Not feeling a thing

The numbness kicked in

The tears stopped

I had no more to shed

I finally spoke

Told her what happened

I bare got the words out

She saw red

I sat there for what seemed like hours

Who really knows

I finally got up

“I have to go”

I left after a hug goodbye

I remember as if it was yesterday 

Tears staining my face

Calls being made

Friends by my side

Feeling alone

Nowhere to turn

My safety is gone

I feel like it was yesterday 

It was 4 years ago

4 years of feeling safe

Living the life 

I remember as if it was yesterday 

Your voice stopping me

Trying to get me to smile

Telling me to have a good time

The next day you saw me

I remember as if it was yesterday 

That I began to fight

Fight everyone around me

Those who said it was my fault

I shouldn’t have been there

I remember as if it was yesterday 

I remember 

I’ll never forget


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