Christmas Season


Before you think this is going to be some religious post by the photo I chose, bare with me for a little bit. 

As my mom goes on break for two weeks I haven’t heard say one nice thing about the Christmas season. I get it her boss is and can be abusive. I get it. It can be a stressful environment to work in. We all have that one person we work with. The things she was saying just upset me.

Christmas isn’t about gift giving.  It isn’t about giving a gift to please someone.  It’s so much more than that.  One of her co-workers said that God laid it in her heart to give their boss a gift.  I found that to be a wonderful idea.  No matter how evil someone acts, you don’t know their story.  You don’t know their walk. Yes, they made their bed and now they have to lie in it.  I get it.  

This place of work went together and got their boss something.  From what I was told their boss seemed ungrateful.  My mom made a comment this evening saying how her boss shouldn’t have gotten a gift.  I was shocked she said this.  I just stayed quiet after that.

The thing is, Christmas is about being with friends and family.  It’s about showing love to those who may be unlovable.  It’s about giving and not receiving. It’s about the one smile you show to someone who may have just needed it. 

Yes, if you are a Christian it’s the about Christ.  I am a Christian believe it or not.  I don’t talk much about my faith.  I do that not because I am ashamed, it’s because I don’t want to shove down my readers throat. Christ loved everyone.  In all reality we are supposed to love like Christ loved us.

When one person at my moms work did this, why not be happy.  Just because she appeared to be cold hearted.  Does not mean she didn’t go home and thank God for that present.  It may have been the only one she gets this year.


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