It’s Happening Again

 Back in 2018 I was with a Daddy Dom who came into my life.  The moment our eyes connected I trusted him.  I can’t explain why.  All I knew is that for the first time I was craving a person. I didn’t know this was a possible thing. I didn’t know a smell, a growl, the phrase good girl could drive me crazy by someone.

When he would growl in my ear, I’d get wet.  I would feel the build of an orgasm. The build would get stronger as he would growl or bite me. If he growled mine or good girl. Mmmmmm It was getting to a point where he was training me where a certain phrase would make me orgasm on demand. 

The more our relationship progressed, the more I craved him. The more I wanted him. His touch, to hear the sound of his voice, even to smell him. The primal in me was coming out stronger everyday. 

Then we split in 2019.  I was devastated. I didn’t know this feeing was even possible again.

Over the past week this guy comes in my life. He accidentally growled. I instantly felt it between my legs. I felt the intensity build. All I want is to keep hearing him growl. I want to hear his voice. I crave his voice. 

Thinking about him saying good girl to me or growing mine makes me quiver. He hasn’t done it just yet. Just thinking about it, makes me squirm. All the feelings I had before are flooding back. The feelings of craving someone. 

I still don’t get how this possible. My sub is craving his attention, his voice, his grow, everything about him. 


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