Merry F’ing Christmas

 Christmas is my favorite holiday. I do all I can over the year to make sure I have a good day. As I get older I just don’t care anymore. I’m tired of putting up a tree. No one seems to care anymore. When I do, people touch it after I say don’t. It breaks my ornaments. In one year three ornaments broke. Irreplaceable ornaments.  Granted people tried to buy new ones. It wasn’t the same. After I said stop messing with the man tree. People still did. 

Every year it just gets worse. I get left out somehow.  My daughter get way more gifts and then my mom is like “oh, you didn’t get very much”  No shit Sherlock!  I could have told you that  I’m not the person to be like give me more shit.  

This year just sucked.  I’m trying not to let her toxic actions affect my day.  First off she went to sleep at 630am.  I mean how selfish is that? I was up by 7am waiting patiently for her to wake.  Not knowing when she went to bed.  Then when I texted her about 11am “when you going to wake up?” She stated the 630am bedtime.  She was going to sleep more.  At 1pm she comes strolling out.  Really?  When I went to go get my gifts, she was like weren’t you just perched waiting for them.  Yeah, I was.  Everyone I know has already started Christmas.  She had the nerve to go “oh really? I didn’t know”  IT’S CHRISTMAS FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!

Everyone in their brother is up early to celebrate it.  Not even an hour after she was up, she went back to sleep.  Wondered why I had an attitude.  I don’t get it.  The one holiday that means the most to me, I get treated like this.  Then when I change out of my Christmas Eve Jammie’s to my Christmas Day Jammie’s, I got yelled at.  I took them off cause there was a hole in the seem.  I didn’t want to make it worse  how dare I take them off.  *insert eye roll*

No matter what I do anymore, Christmas sucks.  The one holiday I look forward to every year.  I can’t anymore  I didn’t even put up a tree this year.  I didn’t have the energy to do it.  Let alone the energy to fight with people.

All I wanted was to spend time with family.  I can’t enjoy it because of toxic people.  I’m tired of the holidays.  I’m just tired of peoples attitudes.


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