The Insecurities -The Letter

 When we started to date I never doubted anything. It wasn’t until she came along. You ignored my calls to take hers.  You said you’d be at one place and were somewhere else. For months this went one.  I didn’t know this information. Not until she posted it on social media. 

When she pointed out that she slept with you that one weekend, I was now livid. I began to figure out everything. I began to piece things that didn’t add up then, but it added up now.  She posted about it on social media. Here you are acting like you were sorry it all happened. I think you we really sorry you got caught. 

That was in 2019 when this happened. I didn’t realize until recently the damage you did. The insecurities you caused me.  When someone takes a call and hangs up from me. I now wonder if it’s another girl on the line. I wonder if the person is cheating on me. They say they are going somewhere. I sit there and wonder if they are telling me the truth. Are they lying to me?  How about them telling me they are working late or on a day they normally don’t. I think about them cheating. 

Do you see what you have done?  You have caused such paranoia in me. The insecurities. I’m not even sure if I can trust again. How can I? All I ever did was trust you.  You destroyed my faith in love. I loved you beyond my core. The sad thing is, I still do.  I am the stupidest person in this planet for doing so.


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