What If!

 What If

What if I jumped off a bridge 

Or a cliff

What if I drove off an overpass

Would I really be missed


I’d be called selfish

What if people understood the pain

Understood the feeling 

Overwhelming feeling someone has

Understand the trauma

That goes with their being

What if

What if the person you loved most

Didn’t cause it

But understood it

Maybe learned it

Wouldn’t life be easier

You hear the why me

You hear nobody loves me

Everyone hates me

If I died, nobody would care 


What if they listened

Heard you

Maybe they wouldn’t say that

It’s always about them

Isn’t it?

What if they saw the blood

That you caused

When would the care

The car you smashed

Then would they care

Oh! That’s right!

They care about the car

Not care about you

You are not worth it remember 

You are not loved

Not as much as they say you are

What if

What if people understood it wasn’t selfish 

What if people truly understood


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