Getting Hurt

 My daughter said something tonight that I thought I’d never have to hear again.  Even though I don’t think she meant anything by it, it hurt. I’m not going to approach her with it. I know if I do, she will just feel horrid. That’s not what I want. For now, I’ll just keep it inside. 

When I was married, I was asked many times “how are you still hungry?”  Even if I barely ate that day. I was still asked that. It didn’t matter how much food I consumed that day.  It was still always too much. This evening my daughter asked me just that. 

All I had today was a salad for breakfast/lunch. Then I had some ice cream, some spaghetti. After a bit I asked her if she’d mind getting me some more spaghetti since she was in the way.  She came back with “how are you still hungry?” When she said that I just said nevermind forget it. Now, I’m going to throw away what little is left. 

Those words are so hurtful to me. I know we have talked about them. Once again, I am going to have to be closed off with people. All I do is get hurt.  Whether it be a friend or a family member. 


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