TW: SH Demon

 *I am safe, I am ok I promise.  This is how I stay safe  

My back against the wall

Knees pulled up

Hands by my side

I listen

Silence at first

The drowning of the music helps

The music stops

A figure walks up

This time different

Tall, long arms, red all over

I barely see his skin

I look him over

Marks on the wrist

Dried over I see

I don’t move and I stare

He has no face like the others

The arms are streaked

With red and brown

He kneels at me feet

Stares at me

Hand out

We make eye contact 

No movement 

Just waiting

Who will move

I want to take his hand

I can’t 

I no longer want that path

He gets angry

As I sit on my hands

His face near mine

Breath smells of iron and death

I turn my head

Hissing sounds

I can’t breath

The smell is too strong

Intoxicating really

I fight

Not today

Not today


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