New Look


I don’t share the inner works of me for so many reasons. A lot of it is for vulnerability. I share my life like it’s nothing. I also share it so many of you don’t feel alone. I like many of you do random things when life gets crazy. 

In 2016 I died my hair for the first time. I embraced my nickname Rogue. I had been called that for many years. My ex-husbands family were big fans of the X-Men universe. I went to the salon and bleached a white streak in the front. Now, I really did look like Rogue. 

I did that after a very stressful time in my life. A time my family thought about taking me to Jacksonville Florida for suicide watch. The first time in my life I probably needed it. I will not deny that. 

Now I’m 2022, another stressful time. I compare the impact like 2016. A lot of the same feelings have been there. The only difference is, I’m stronger mentally. The stress is still there. What did I do?  I turned my hair blue 😆 Okay maybe, not the smartest thing to do. I needed to do something for me. This has been on my radar for over a year. So, I jumped. 

Do I regret it? Nope, not one bit.  I’m glad I did it.  I will do it again in a heartbeat. 


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