
 I haven’t written in awhile. Part of it was my mental health was way off. I just needed a break from the world. I stepped back from a lot of things. I am hoping to get some time to tie again and just do things again. 

Lately, my insecurities are getting the best of me most days. I find it hard when I like someone new. I am so afraid to show any feelings towards that person. I feel like what if they are talking to others?  What if they are dating other girls? Do they have a wife or a girlfriend? The thoughts flood my brain. I know they are silly. 

I have thoughts of wanting to go to a friend's house. Do they really like me?  Do they just pretend to like me? What if I want to do this thing. The reason they keep putting it off is because they really don’t like me. 

Ever since my last serious relationship I have found I am more insecure about these things. He was married, he cheated on me with someone not his wife. The relationship we had was just toxic from what I’m learning. Every insecure thought I had I was made to feel crazy. Like I was going crazy. 

My ex husband I know was talking to his current wife before we were separated. According to his logic, he cheated on me. In all honesty, I swear there was more to it than meets the eye. I was made to feel crazy in that relationship too. 

When I hear a person I like use the term “we” I get nervous . There is no reason for me to. Most likely they are with their mates. Sometimes they are talking about their kids. This is where I feel the reassurance shit needs to come in. Be like, my mates and I did this. Instead my brain goes wild. 

Due to the trauma that I have endured for so long. I don’t know how to not feel insecure. I want to feel things for people. I want to know that I like them for real. I can’t allow myself long enough to feel something. That is something I am struggling with now. There is this guy who is good looking. We are hitting it off. My brain is like he is a dude, we can’t trust him. My walls go up so high. 

The last couple of guys I have shown interest in have triggered me or ghosted me. The last one made comments about not letting me out of my office. That was a huge trigger for me. He didn’t act like he was joking. I did turn him in. Needless to say, I didn’t like him for long. The moment I let my walls down I felt like I got hurt and disappointed yet again. 

How do I approach this one?  I’m so afraid to show my feelings. Let them know I’m way interested in them. Let them know my dating apps are off until we know if we click or not. Then I don’t want to see creepy. I don’t know if there is a middle. 

With my friend, I feel like I’m that friend that people pity and put up with. They just feel sorry for me. So they have to be my friend. I feel that a lot when I go to my friends. Like “why are you here?”  I think if they knew how I felt they’d feel bad. At the same time, I don’t want the truth either. 

Rarely do I go to this person’s house to do planned things. Normally I don’t care if we don’t. Lately, it has bothered me. Just because I have asked and get turned down after a yes. I get the cancellations. Is it always going to be a cancellation. The sad thing is, I schedule this thing. I just assume it’s getting canceled. 9 times out of 10 it does. I shouldn’t live to expect that. 

In both situations I am left feeling lost. Feeling like I don’t know what to do. The insecurities creep in and flood my brain. I don’t know how to stop it anymore. 


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