Being Positive

 So much in a person's life revolves around the attitude you show. It matters on how you present yourself to others. I have watched many of my family look like they never struggle. I know they probably do in their own ways. At the end of the day they all have positive attitudes when it comes to different things in their lives. They deal with cards that they were dealt. 

Then I have some family members who are negative all the time. They complain about how bad their life is. How nothing goes right for them. They deserve good things because they a good person. Truth is you don’t always get what you want because you are a good person. You have to think about your attitude and how you present yourself to others. 

I have noticed the more selfish the person is, the more unhappy they tend to be. All they care about are their needs and wants. They don’t care about those around them. When they are told to put others before their needs. Even if they change their thinking for a minute, they get upset and continue to think about themselves only. Truth is they are not happy within themselves. That is the sad thing. 

Over the last few years I have tried to have a better outlook on life. Change my thought process. It’s ok to put me first and not be selfish about it. It’s also me changing my thinking to something positive. You will rarely hear me talk about my head hurting. Even about how much leg pain I am in that day. You will rarely hear a sound of pain escaping my lips. There is nothing you can do to change my pain. So, why complain about it?

My household lost our heater back in September. You are probably thinking that isn’t a bad thing. When you live in the Midwest where it snows, it’s a big thing. My daughter and I haven’t really said anything about losing our heat. We have made comments about not having heat. We have made do. We cover up, layer up, and put a space heater on and call it a day.  We move on with our life. Here it is November 30,2023 and we still have no heat. We really haven’t complained about it. We are sick of not having heat. It is what it is. We will get it eventually. 

In the summer we use 3 window units to cool the house. On those 100 degree days we didn’t complain much about it being hot. Those days we lost power in the dead of summer, we made due. We didn’t think about it. We just did what we had to do, to survive. 

By having a good attitude on life sometimes blessings find you.  Saying what I did above, some of the staff decided to nominate me for a free furnace. They were tired of seeing us cold. With December coming around the corner they knew we were running out time to fix our heat. I got nominated and I won for heat. I was beyond grateful.  I thanked the guy and posted on FB how grateful I was to get heat again. 

Today, they came into my work to drop off a heater. Not only did they drop off a heater, they told me that they were going to fix my AC too. They were going to provide us with central air along with a new furnace. I was beyond thankful I didn’t know what to say to them. I just started to cry even more. It was a blessing. 

My positive attitude in life and how I look at things is a huge reason I think I was blessed. God granted this blessing for a reason. We couldn’t have been more overjoyed at my house.


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