Customer Service

I tend to stay quiet most days when it comes to seeing how people are treated in retail. I think a lot of it is, I worked it for many years. In some ways, I still do. Not even in retail so much my vanilla job requires me to have a good sense of customer service. Even if I am being treated shitty.

When I was just starting off at a huge retailer just after high school I was a taught one thing. It has always stuck with me. It was this… “ you work here, we should never hear you bad mouth another company in our store. That is bad customer service.” I didn’t think much about until I moved to Florida. When some of the stores felt like they were all high and mighty. Even would spread lies about other stores. They lost my business when they started that. I was a huge customer of theirs too.

Even to this day I still practice that. I don’t go around bad mouthing other companies. I no longer work for big retailers. You won’t hear me bad mouth them to someone who wants to go there.

Here on FetLife and in the kink community so many of you work your own business. Why can’t the practice still be the same? Honestly, I don’t care for a particular company. I have known that company a long time. Especially, when I first got into kink. I use to vend back in the day. You won’t hear me bad mouth them to others. You’ll hear me say why I don’t care for them. It’s in a very professional way.

You are all out here to sell your products the best way you know how. You all think you know what is the best way for customer service. Some people think “I was nice to customer, that’s all that matters”. No, it’s not what all matters. You need to make sure your company looks good at all times. Wheather you are on Fet or not.

Example: I used to volunteer at a school for many many years. They told me since I was a volunteer I still had to act like a teacher in public. I gave them a weird look. It was because I’d run into students, teachers, other staff members from the school. I had to represent myself well. If I caught doing something shady, I’d be no longer welcome back.

I still use that rule today. How I act behind close doors is one thing. I mean heck, we are kinky we are on here and most of jobs would freak. Once we walk out our front doors we still represent a company we work for. From the small business you own to a big Retailer like WalMart. The small companies and large ones in between.

The next time you/I want to do something that reflects badly on the company you work for, think about it. Honestly, I’m tired of going to places and the managers are treating their staff or their customers like crap. Eventually, people talk. Heck, I work for a company now where their rep is tarnished because how people talked ill of them.

Just remember, how you want your company to look to others. No, I’m not talking about any specific company. I’m just tired of seeing how people are treated.

Peace, Love, and some Pixie Dust


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