TW-I Saved Someone

Back in 2018 I was raped by someone in the community. My life turned upside down. Not only was I raped, I lost friends, I was told it was my fault, I was victim blamed, and even outed with my real identity. My life hasn’t been the same since that day in June. 

I attended a munch the next day. I told someone I would prior to what happened. I didn’t want people to think I was going to bail. I didn’t want people to think something was wrong. Then my attacker showed up at the same event as me. He tried to talk to me. Even tried to get me to smile. I did my best to ignore him. 

At some point of the night I wanted to leave. I was telling the leaders I was leaving. When they tried to hug me I flinched. They pulled me off to the side and asked what that was all about. I vaguely told them. I wasn’t going to out my attacker. Honestly, I don’t know why I wanted to keep it a secret. My friend finally told them who it was. 

After the talks began of what happened to me I ended up writing about it on FetLife. I talked about what happened to me in great detail. I was tired of telling my story. I knew this was a way to do it and get it out there for those who wanted to know. My attacker got wind of what I was doing and tried to shut me down. He threatened to harm me. 

What people don’t know is that I did go to the police. I went to the police after he started to threaten me. I was threatened multiple times. Basically when I mentioned the rape they said it was out of jurisdiction. The rape happened in another county than where I was at. When I told them about the threatening messages and showed them the messages. They didn’t do anything. It was over a social media platform. That was a huge reason they didn’t. They could only recommend me maybe getting an order of protection if I felt I needed it. 

I went to a local place in hopes they could help me with an emergency OOP. I was denied my OOP at that time. Despite all my evidence I had against this person. I wasn’t qualified for it. People who had worse things happen to them were even denied the emergency OOP.  I had to go back to court from September to December of 2018 and fight. In my writing of “Failed Justice System” I write about my journey. I won by default. It was because he refused to show up for various reasons. 

Here it is 2022 and I have felt pretty safe in this community. I haven’t had to worry about him over the last two years. I thought about him when I talked to my therapist about him. Since that day, I have never thought of him again. This past weekend, I was told where he was at. 

A good friend of mine messaged me while I was at an event. She asked me if I knew the person's full name. I did and I shared it with her. I told her I still had a pic if she needed it. She needed a pic. I passed it on. I asked for his new fet account. I didn’t have to think twice, that was him. I looked up his name and saw the same photos he has always posted. Without a doubt I know it was him. I am freaking out and shaking. Not knowing why I was being asked these questions. 

I found out later on her friend was on her way to meet him. When her friend sent her a pic of him my friend knew instantly who he was. Messaged me to confirm it was the same guy. Her friend then pulled over and went back home. That night I saved someone. I saved someone from being raped, sexually assaulted, or worse. I told my story back in 2018 and it saved someone’s life. 

When I was going through everything I went through in 2018 I was looking at my friends and saying “I can’t do this.  I can’t keep fighting the justice system”. I was telling myself if this could save one person. Then I did my job. By him being on the sexually offenders list and having an order of protection against him. He was now on the police radar. Even now that my OOP has expired. I know it’s been on his record. 

By talking about a very painful day in my life, saved a person. I’m trying to remind myself of that today. Reminding myself that I did good. Right now, I’m still shaking and still freaked out. At the end of the day we both are safe. That is something to be grateful for. 


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